Emerging Security Technologies

A Cybersecurity Magazine Webinar



Dear Reader,


River Publishers and Cybersecurity Magazine would like to invite you to a free webinar on July 17th. Cybersecurity-associated attacks and enhancements are daily news. While this continues, it is essential that the community engage around emerging technologies. This free webinar will look at key emerging technologies that are of concern to everyone from researchers to practitioners.




Make sure to submit questions during registration! Five attendees that submit questions will be chosen at random to select any book (print or eBook) from the River Publishers bookstore.



Anand Prasad, Partner, Deloitte, Tokyo (Moderator)

Topic: Private 5G Security


Ahmed Banafa, San Jose State University and Stanford University

Topic: Quantum Computing & Security


Tim Manley, Google, Tokyo

Topic: Cloud Security


With warm regards,


Cybersecurity Magazine Editorial Team




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