The objective of Cybersecurity Magazine is to connect scientist and industry experts in cybersecurity.
Industry experts can dive into scientific research in order to better understand the theories behind the threats they are facing in their daily professional life. On the other hand, scientists will be made aware of the actual challenges in cybersecurity and can direct their research to lay the groundwork for solutions which will effectively defend IT systems from attackers.
At Cybersecurity Magazine we are providing a platform for researchers and industry experts alike. Opinions on recent developments in the area will spark discussion and articles on trending topics raise interest to delve deeper into technical matters on the subject.
Therefore, we are always looking for contributors to Cybersecurity Magazine. Do you work in the cybersecurity industry and have an interesting topic to discuss? Are you researching a particular topic on Cybersecurity and would like to see this topic better represented? Do you want to comment on a current topic in the area of cybersecurity?
Whatever your motives, feel free to contact us with a short abstract of your topic. If it meets the requirements, we are happy to publish your article!