
Career Profile: Anand Prasad, Deloitte

Name: Anand Prasad

Affiliation: Deloitte

Editor of Cybersecurity Magazine

Can you briefly introduce your current role in cybersecurity?

My role includes understanding security gaps, needs and requirements followed by providing appropriate advise. Additionally my role includes developing team, technology and business.

What does a typical workday look like for you?

The day starts with exercise followed by checking messages & emails, reading news especially related to cybersecurity. After that usually discussing & attending meetings and spending time communicating with team members or other people. Besides that, I also spend some time on new ideas, reading cybersecurity associated topics, writing articles and giving talks. Parts of the day is also spent on administrative tasks.

What are the most challenging and the most enjoyable aspects or your role?

The most challenging part is of course administrative tasks but there are multiple enjoyable aspects of my role such as communicating with various people, advising people regarding security issues etc.

How did your career in cybersecurity get started?

Back in 1998 I was working on IEEE 802.11, what is now commonly called WiFi, based product called WaveLAN as a systems architect. Around that time WiFi security issues were identified leading to me taking the responsibility to provide appropriate security solution – back then we did not use the term cybersecurity.

What do you consider the three most important skills to succeed in your role?

  • Curious, challenge taker and problem solver: although not skill, these are essential traits for cybersecurity role.
  • Knowledge: good understanding of system helps identify security issues and develop tangible solutions.
  • Networking: this is another aspect that helps connect with people to share knowledge, understand complex issue and solve problems together.

What advice do you have for people starting their career in cybersecurity/looking to enter this industry?

Anyone entering the cybersecurity field should pay attention on gaining deep knowledge and spending time continuously learning new things. If possible, the individual should also find opportunities to participate in workshops, conferences, symposiums etc. to meet and network with others  – publishing ideas and discussing with other people is very important. All this happens only if the individual is truly interested in cybersecurity, curious about learning and ready to take challenge. Additionally there are several cybersecurity certifications that can be of help.

If people would like to learn more about your role in cybersecurity, where should they go?

Best place is to check in LinkedIn and CyberSecurity Magazine (CSM).

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