Cybersecurity NewsGeneral

Security Awareness

It is very good to see increased awareness of cybersecurity among both businesses and individuals happening thanks to the efforts put by security experts and organizations such as CISA. We also hope that cybersecurity magazine has made some impact. 

Security awareness includes educating everyone on the implications of cybersecurity issues and also solutions together with the reasoning. Where the reasoning relates technology enhancements and increased connectivity happening all around us. Many are trying to tackle this problem with, probably, the best solution being the one tailored to individual level since several aspects matter such as language, culture, individuals’ learning interests, to name a few.

More often than not, proper security awareness is a result of an incident, be it due to a ransomware attack on organizations or various forms of account take over associated attacks on individuals. Thus the challenge of “security awareness” to employees of any organization or, in general, to public at-large still remains a major problem. 

Industry and governments collaboration is required to bring security awareness to the mass. As CyberSecurity Magazine (CSM) we are trying to do our part and strongly support the effort by National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) in the form of observing October as the Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

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