The Current Intersection of Universal Design and Cybersecurity and Why It Must Expand

Many businesses develop cybersecurity programs without considering universal design. This results in programs that fail to meet the needs of the entire workforce. Even worse, inaccessible cybersecurity programs can force workers to miss out on important security tips and insights. This can lead to data breaches that damage a company’s brand reputation and bottom line. 
A clear understanding of the relationship between cybersecurity and universal design is a must, especially as more industries become common targets for cyberattack. Cybersecurity professionals can apply universal design best practices in their everyday work. In doing so, they can develop and maintain best-in-class cybersecurity programs.

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Deepfake Technology Is a Rising Cyberthreat

More artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) use cases are emerging, and cybercriminals are leveraging these technologies to create highly sophisticated attacks. Cyberattack detection and prevention can be more challenging for individuals and businesses when hackers use innovative methods.
Cybersecurity professionals are already grappling with data breaches, ransomware attacks and phishing scams. Recently, another growing threat has kept them awake at night — the rise of the deepfake and the challenge of spotting one in an increasingly digital world.
Here’s more on the rapid advancement of deepfake technology, the cybersecurity implications of these attacks and what the future holds.

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OT/ICS Security Training

This article is inspired by a recent article on the Computerworld site for Denmark, where one of the CISO’s for a big energy company lamented the lack of formal skills in the cybersecurity community on the security requirements for Operational Technology (OT) and Industrial Control Systems (ICS). This triggered light research from me on the options out there for relevant trainings and certifications.

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